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This blog is intended for software system engineers, architects and managers or people generally interested in development, testing and integration of software systems. It is part of profiq’s community effort that has the objective of sharing knowledge and ideas about software system integration, testing and development. In addition to this technical content, we share updates about life at profiq.


Configure Load Balancer for OpenAM 12

Introduction In this article I will demonstrate how to configure software Load Balancer (LB) for two OpenAMs. OpenAM is a open source access management software provided by ForgeRock. Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. If a one server is down, LB redirect all requests to others servers which are up. To simplify, I will configure LB, OpenAM 1 and OpenAM 2 on one virtual machine and OpenAMs will be configured with embedded data and config store. To read more…

forgerock load balancer openam