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This blog is intended for software system engineers, architects and managers or people generally interested in development, testing and integration of software systems. It is part of profiq’s community effort that has the objective of sharing knowledge and ideas about software system integration, testing and development. In addition to this technical content, we share updates about life at profiq.


Overview Every web application is intended for humans. If interaction is expected, the application obviously needs to authenticate users, create accounts for them, and keep their credentials secure. This can be a complex task due to security and privacy concerns. While it is possible to create our own solution, it is much easier to use one of many ready-to-use solutions, that is if we have enough trust in it. Authentication vulnerability can bring our business down, so we should take our time to choose well. Also nowadays, people perceive IAM…

ciam fusionauth oauth2 security sso

OpenAM Session Upgrade: How To

I gave a short overview of OpenAM Session Upgrades in a previous article. This is a follow-up that intends to describe the process of configuring it and discussing some of its implications. This blog was sitting back half done as a Draft for several months. It was originally written based on ForgeRock OpenAM 10.x . OpenAM 11 has been released since then. I'm finally finding the time for finishing and publishing the article. It should apply for OpenAM 10.x as well as OpenAM 11.  (more…)

forgerock openam sso system engineering

profiq just announeced strategic partnership with ForgeRock for system integration of open-source and standard-based Access and Identity Management (IAM) products. This is a fundamental milestone in fulfilling profiq's system integration and system testing strategy. We have spent the last 8+ years with deploying and testing ForgeRock products and their predecessors and looking forward to offering an extended service to customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary with ForgeRock. (more…)

dsee forgerock idm ldap openam opendj opends openidm profiq sso sun microsystems system engineering

OpenAM Session Upgrade: Overview

SSO authentication introduces some technical challenges besides providing obvious benefits. Imagine for example that you need to assign different types or levels of authentication to different resources or different actions within a domain. E.g. you allow users to view information, if they successfully authenticate using user name and password, while you may require them to insert a special security code besides user name and password, if they want to start editing. Or you allow users to access general content using user name and password, while accessing specific content (e.g. admin…

forgerock j2ee openam sso system engineering