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Configure Load Balancer for OpenAM 12


In this article I will demonstrate how to configure software Load Balancer (LB) for two OpenAMs.

OpenAM is a open source access management software provided by ForgeRock.

Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. If a one server is down, LB redirect all requests to others servers which are up.

To simplify, I will configure LB, OpenAM 1 and OpenAM 2 on one virtual machine and OpenAMs will be configured with embedded data and config store. To read more about embedded config and data store please check chapters 1.4 and 1.5 here.



  • configured virtual machine
  • 2 x apache tomcat
    • tomcat 1 is listening on port 8080
    • tomcat 2 is listening on port 8081 (conf/server.xml, also it is necessary to change the port for shutdown )
  • edit /etc/hosts to include all hostnames (all hostnames will have the same IP, because they are on the same machine)
    • openam1.profiq.com
    • openam2.profiq.com
    • openam.profiq.com

Load Balancer

I used HA proxy software load balancer.

Download HA Proxy

You can download HA Proxy here.

Install HA Proxy from source

  1. Unpack HA Proxy:
    # tar -xvf haproxy-1.5.14.tar.gz
  2. Navigate into HA Proxy directory:
    # cd ./haproxy-1.5.14
  3. Compile HA Proxy. Compile for Linux kernel 2.6.32 or later and optimize the binaries for the install CPU architecture.
    # make TARGET=linux2632 ARCH=native

    Note: you can check your linux version:

    # uname -a
    Linux centos6-64 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 28 21:11:36 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  4. Install the compiled binary:
    # make install
  5. Copy the HA Proxy to yours directory
    # mkdir /opt/HA-Proxy-1.5.14
    # cp /usr/local/sbin/haproxy /opt/HA-Proxy-1.5.14

Configure HA Proxy

  1. Create the configuration file
    # vim /opt/HA-Proxy-1.5.14/haproxy.conf
  2. Add content into HA Proxy configuration file:
       maxconn 4096
       mode http
       option tcpka
       retries 3
       option redispatch
       maxconn 1024
       timeout client 1h
       timeout connect 5000ms
       timeout server 1h
    frontend fe
       bind openam.profiq.com:80
       default_backend be
    backend be
       mode http
       balance roundrobin
       cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
       server openam1 openam1.profiq.com:8080 check cookie 1
       server openam2 openam2.profiq.com:8081 check cookie 2
       option http-server-close
       option redispatch
       appsession amlbcookie len 2 timeout 1h request-learn

Backend is configured for 2 OpenAMs (openam1 and openam2) and LB is listening on openam.profiq.com:80.

It is recommended to use stickiness (“appsession amlbcookie len 2 timeout 1h request-learn”) for the backend, it means, if you log in via openam1 a cookie is sent by the backend with backend-specific value, HA Proxy will then look for that cookie, and will store its value in a table associating it with the server’s identifier, for more info see.

You can find description for properties in to HA Proxy documentation here.

OpenAM 1

Download latest stable OpenAM

Download latest openam (currently it is OpenAM 12.0.1) from forgerock backtsage here.

Install OpenAM 1

  1. Deploy downloaded openam.war into tomcat
    # cp /opt/OpenAM-12.0.1.war /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.50/webapps/openam.war
  2. Start tomcat 1
  3. Hit the openam1 page: http://openam1.profiq.com:8080/openam and you will see OpenAM Configuration Page
  4. Choose “Create New Configuration” and accept the license
  5. Step 1: Set amAdmin password and click next
  6. Step 2: Server config:
    Server URL = http://openam1.profiq.com:8080
    Cookie Domain = .profiq.com
    Platform Locale = en_US
    Configuration Directory = /root/openam1
  7. Step 3: Configuration Data Store Settings
  8. Step 4: User Data Store Settings
    Set “OpenAM User Data Store”
  9. Step 5: Site Configuration
  10. Step 6: Default Policy Agent User
    set password
  11. Summary
  12. Create Configuration

Note: For more info see OpenAM install guide

OpenAM 2

Install OpenAM 2

  1. Deploy downloaded openam.war into tomcat
    # cp /opt/OpenAM-12.0.1.war /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.39/webapps/openam.war
  2. Start tomcat 1
  3. Hit the openam2 page: http://openam2.profiq.com:8081/openam and you will see OpenAM Configuration Page
  4. Choose “Create New Configuration” and accept the license
  5. Step 1: Set amAdmin password and click next
  6. Step 2: Server config:
    Server URL = http://openam2.profiq.com:8081
    Cookie Domain = .profiq.com
    Platform Locale = en_US
    Configuration Directory = /root/openam2
  7. Step 3: Configuration Data Store Settings
    Set “Add to Existing Deployment”
    Server URL: http://openam1.profiq.com:8080/openam
  8. Step 5 Site Configuration
    Site Name = profiq site
    Load Balancer URL = http://openam.profiq.com:80/openam
    Enable Session HA Persistence and Failover = true
  9. Summary
  10. Create Configuration

Test Configuration

  • Start load balancer:
# /opt/HA-Proxy-1.5.14/haproxy -f /opt/HA-Proxy-1.5.14/haproxy.conf
  • Hit the load balancer: http://openam.profiq.com/openam
  • Login as amadmin
  • if you check cookies there will be cookie amlbcookie = 01 (01 is ID of server, in my case means you are logged via OpenAM1)
  • delete all cookies and shut-down openam1, login again, and observe the cookie amlbcookie. You can observe that second OpenAM server will be used and one can see it by looking at amlbcookie = 02. This simulates purpose of load balancer, where if you have multiple users, load balancer will balance load in a way where it send user 1 to OpenAM 1, user 2 to OpenAM 2, user 3 to OpenAM 1 again etc. This is called round-robin algorithm (“balance roundrobin” = property from HA proxy config file).
forgerock load balancer openam

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