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This blog is intended for software system engineers, architects and managers or people generally interested in development, testing and integration of software systems. It is part of profiq’s community effort that has the objective of sharing knowledge and ideas about software system integration, testing and development. In addition to this technical content, we share updates about life at profiq.


Linux Aquarium PC

Carl Jung once said, “The creative mind plays with the object it loves.” Like Jung, we believe play can fuel innovation, and sometimes, the wilder the idea, the better. ? You might be wondering why would we submerge a PC in liquid (in our case, mineral oil)? To that, we reply, “Why does anyone climb Mount Everest? Because they can.” So, we did! We created a Linux PC from upcycled computer parts, submerged it in mineral oil, lit it with LED light strips, and added a LEGO ship, because no aquarium…

cpu gitlab software testing testing

How to develop a MuleSoft connector

Introduction After a brief introduction to the MuleSoft platform in my first blog, I would like to share my first experience with developing a connector. I decided to develop a Gitlab connector because it is a great system and I did not find a connector that would be developed for it. First, I'm going to focus on describing the options you have when you decide to develop a connector. Next, I will describe, how to structure the connector and what are the specifics that you need to care of in comparison to the…

gitlab mulesoft